Wowwy! There is a lot of intriguing informed packed here Dwina! Amazing! I especially love this quote by Jans Christian Anderson “Every man’s life is a fairy-tale written by God’s fingers.”

I wonder why the depressing endings to so many of his tales? Maybe those Victorian Days brought out social ills to the surface? Great writing beautiful lady! Bless you! ✨💖✨🤗

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You are lovely Charlotte. Thank you for your words of praise. I love the research involved peeking into those great lives! Yes, I think Hans Christian Anderson had a hard life and was quite ‘pernickety’ about many things. Victorian times were really hard for so many people. Charles Dickens wrote so much about those times in his books. Robin loved him and his works! Xxx

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Fascinating.. once again you bring history alive!

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Just writing about the lives of genius writers and artists XX

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Jun 15Liked by Dwina Murphy-Gibb

Dwina , this was so educational and well-written. I love Dickens and what he tried to make the world aware of. Great mind and a genius. I had classes in high school only on Dickens and his work. Amazing man. Thanks, you for sharing.

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One of the first portraits I drew was of Charles Dickens because Robin loved his works so much.

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Jun 15Liked by Dwina Murphy-Gibb

Dwina, this is lovely. My dad is a massive Dickens fan too. Can talk for hours about him!

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Jun 14Liked by Dwina Murphy-Gibb

As soon as I moved to London at 17 years of age, I so keenly felt the spirit of the pre-Raphaelite community (I would say brotherhood, but Christina Rossetti, Oscar’s mum Speranza’s salon, and other strong women were involved) was truly resonant with my spirit. This affinity led to branching out enjoy many brilliant writers, artists, poets. The exploration continues!

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Christina was a brilliant poet... They were all so talented. I try not to miss exhibitions of the paintings, most of them inspired by poets. xx

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Jun 14Liked by Dwina Murphy-Gibb

Yes! Their symbolism drew from such literary muse. There are a few masterpieces here at the Manchester Art Gallery.

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Jun 14Liked by Dwina Murphy-Gibb

Lucky you! We read Dickens in high school but beyond that I know very little.

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Jun 14Liked by Dwina Murphy-Gibb

This is so lovely and so thorough! I can't imagine the research you did (or maybe you already knew this information?). I didn't know that Dickens had been to America, and I especially LOVED the Sharp quote: In the world of literature, there is no geography save of that of the mind.

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Some of it I knew already because Robin was a complete Dickens fan! And apart from brushing up on the research, we had English Language and English Literature as two separate subjects in my school. Luckily my English teacher of Literature was enthusiastic about the lives of the writers and not just their works. It made a huge difference, and it now saddens me to know that English Literature has been taken out of the curriculum in many schools. My mother had to learn.most of the poetry by heart!

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